We’ve been making a lot of updates to Exam Professor’s code base, which is not always visible to teachers or students. We are also working hard to make Exam Professor easier to use, which should be noticeable to all.
Reordering Questions
When building an exam you start by adding one question at a time, which is the same order they appear to your students. As long as you are not randomizing question order this is the expected result and typical of any question development system. Recently, we’ve added the ability to move questions up or down in the order they appear on your exams by simply clicking on a question and dragging it to a new position. When you release the question it will save to its new location automatically.
Reordering Answers
When building a question you start by adding one answer at a time, which is the same order they appear to your students. As long as you are not randomizing answer order this is the expected result and typical of any question development system. Recently, we’ve added the ability to move answers up or down in the order they appear on your exams by simply clicking on an answer and dragging it to a new position. When you release the answer it will save to its new location automatically. This allows you to balance correct answer placement more easily (if there are four alternatives for each question, choose "d" about a fourth of the time).
There are no visible indicators (buttons, arrows, highlighted text) that reordering questions or answers is possible, so we hope you don't skip over this functionality by accident. Both of these functions are so subtle they may go unnoticed unless we point them out.
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