Enrolling students with exams has been confusing for many, so while our hands were dirty building classes we took another shot at making it right. We are pretty proud of our work, and think you'll like it, too.
Basic features:
- Display enrollments by exam
- View all students not yet enrolled
- View all class members not yet enrolled
- Easily enroll students via drag and drop
Here is how it works
Step 1 - Select an exam
To view enrollments by exam, first select an exam with the drop down menu in the top left.
Step 2 - View enrollments
If any students are enrolled in the select exam, they will load in the table below. You will be able to see the student's first and last name, along with how many times they are allowed to take the exam.
Step 3 - Select students or a class
When you select an exam, any available student (meaning all students not yet enrolled in that exam) load on the right. If you have created classes, you can select a class and load members of that class who have not yet been enrolled with that exam.
Step 4 - Enrolling students
If you click on one class member while holding down the shift key, then click on another student, you will be able to select several students at once. You can also hold your command key (Mac) or control key (PC), and select each student as you click on them. Drag and drop students into the box to the left, and a yellow status message will tell you they have been enrolled with that exam. To unenroll students from a class, simply reverse the process and drag them back.
Note: If you check the box next to a student's name, you can then send out enrollment information, add additional retakes, or erase scores and reports for selected students.
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