Course & Exam Reports
You can generate reports of your student's progress or scores with granular details that can be viewed in HTML or downloaded as PDF or Excel. Reports will show the mean, median, and mode. You can also choose to regrade any course or exam after updating an answer or deleting a question from a test.
To generate a report, follow these steps.
1. Sign in to teacher admin.
2. Click "Reports" from the menu at the top, then "Exams" from the vertical menu on the left.
3. You can select "All exams" or filter by individual course or exam. Note, if you choose "All exams," the report may take several moments to load, depending on how many students have completed all the courses or exams.
4. If you only want to view a report specific to one student, start by typing their name in this field. The field will auto-populate as you type.
5. If you have created and organized classes, you can filter by class in this section, making it possible to generate class averages.
6. You can filter by date range.
7. You can view all courses or exam takes or group them to see average, highest, and last scores.
8. View the report on the screen or download it as Excel.
Please note: You can choose more than one of the options listed above. For instance, I may wish to view a particular student's exam during the month of March or generate a report of all exams by that student.
Viewing Reports
Viewing a generated report on-screen will look similar to the image below. While most details are self-explanatory, we'd like to point to a few.
1. Students who have retaken a course or exam more than once will be labeled by number. For instance, if a student has taken a course four times, it will say 1 of 4, or 3 of 4, etc.
2. Click the icon on the far right to download the file as a CSV (comma-separated value) list. This file type can be opened in a spreadsheet application like Excel.
3. Click the score to view a graded course or exam in a new tab. Correct answers are shown in green with a green check, and wrong answers are shown in red with a red x. Answer labels (A, B, C, D) are not shown next to answers because EProfessor allows for randomization; therefore, answers are shown in the order they appear to the student.
4. The mean, median, and mode are in the bottom right corner.
Please note: Mean, median, and mode are three ways to calculate the average value of a set of numbers, also known as averages:
Also known as the arithmetic mean, the mean is calculated by adding all the numbers in a set and dividing by the total number of numbers.
The median is the middle value in a set of numbers arranged from smallest to largest. If the set has an even number of numbers, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.
The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of numbers. To find the mode, count the number of times each number appears; the number that appears the most is the mode.