Student Report


You can generate a report on student enrollment status showing the number of courses or exams students are enrolled in, how many they have taken, and how many have not taken.

To generate a student report, follow these steps.

1. Sign in to teacher admin as the account owner.

2. Click "Students" from the vertical menu bar on the left.

3. Click "Reports" from the menu at the top, then "Students" from the vertical menu on the left.

4. If you have created and organized classes, you can filter by class in this section.

5. To limit your report to a student's specific teacher, select the teacher you wish to view.


Please note: You can choose more than one of the options listed above. For instance, I may wish to view sales by a particular student in a specific teacher or generate an enrollment of all courses and exams for that student.  

Viewing Reports

Viewing a generated sales report on-screen will look similar to the image below. While most details are self-explanatory, we'd like to point to a few.


1. Click "Choose Another Report" to go back.

2. This will show the total number of courses or exams this student has been enrolled in.

3. You can view how many courses and exams the student has completed.

4. View how many courses and exams the student has not started.

5. Click "View detail" to see individual reports by course or exam.

Please note:  If a student is taking a course or exam while you are running the report, or if they have started, signed out, and have not yet completed it, the report will reflect that. A timer will run from when they open a course or exam until it is graded, even if a student signs out of EProfessor. 


Detailed Report 

Viewing a generated student report on-screen will look similar to the image below. While most details are self-explanatory, we'd like to point to a few.


1. Click the student you wish to view in the left column, then "Exams" in the center vertical menu. 

2. The right column will show the total number of courses or exams the student has been enrolled in, when they were enrolled, whether they had taken them, and whether they passed or failed.

Please note:
If a student has taken a course or exam, you can click to load additional details.




View Scores, Reset, or Unenroll

Viewing a detailed report will look similar to the image below. While most details are self-explanatory, we'd like to point to a few.


1. Click the course or exam you wish to view from the left column. 

2. The right column will show the date and time the course or exam was taken, the student's score if available, and whether they have finished (a hyperlink score will appear that loads the graded test).

3. Click "Delete Take" below to erase the student's score. You can also unenroll them from the course or exam by clicking "Unenroll."

Please note:
When you unenroll a student, the scores are still stored in the database, though you can not view them because the student is unenrolled. To view the scores again, re-enroll the student in the same course or exam.