Embedding the Student Portal


Each EProfessor account includes a customizable student portal. The account owner can access the embed code to place the portal on any website and even change its URL, which is located at EProfessor.

You can copy and paste the student portal embed code into any HTML page, even in popular content management systems like Squarespace, Wix, Webflow, etc.

1. Sign in to the teacher admin as the account owner.

2. Click "Settings" in the top menu, then "Embed" in the vertical menu bar on the left.

3. Click "Copy to clipboard" to store the embed code to avoid any typos.

4. The default URL for the student portal will be listed, but you can update the URL to whatever location you have placed the embed code.


Please note: When embedding the student portal, you need access to your application's code base (HTML) or a code block in your content management system (CMS) that will render the code. If you paste the code into the text editor of your CMS, it may not recognize the text as code.

For formatting purposes, you may need to paste the code between opening and closing DIV tags and specify the height using CSS. 

For instance: 

<div style="height:500px;">
     Paste the embed code here