Name, Portal URL, & Self-Registration
You can specify additional settings in EProfessor to customize how exams and courses are delivered to your students, what they see in the student portal, whether they can self-register, and what reply-to address appears in their emails.
1. Sign in to the teacher admin as the account owner.
2. Click "Settings" in the vertical menu bar on the left.
3. Change your organization name to personalize your student portal. Your students will see the name of your portal at the top of every page when they sign in.
4. Set your custom domain name at EProfessor. You can view your student portal by clicking the "View your exam portal" hyperlink. This portal will always be available to your students whether you choose to embed the portal on your web page.
5. Check "Yes" if you want to allow your students to register for your account to take your courses or exams. Self-registered students need to provide their first name, last name, and password.
6. Add your email address to personalize your notification messages with your email address as the sender. The default is [email protected]
Please note: After any changes, you will need to click "Save changes" to activate them.