Import / Export Teachers
Through the CSV (comma-separated value) import system, it is easy to create a large number of teacher accounts quickly. To import teachers in mass, follow these steps.
1. Open Excel and create a file with First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password (optional). The first row will have header names and will be ignored. Save this file as a comma-separated value list (CSV extension).
2. Log in to the teacher's administration, click on the "Start Menu," and select "Teachers."
3. Near the bottom left, click on CSV Import.
4. In the column to the right, click on "Choose File." If you need to, you can download a sample file to learn how to format it.
5. Select the CSV file from your hard drive and click "Open." Note: You can only select files with a CSV extension.
6. Click on "Upload and Import".
7. If the file upload is successful, a message will appear. It will also show an error message with directions on how to fix any file that fails to import.
8. Newly imported teachers will now be shown in the left column.