View / Manage Student Exams

A teacher with student management privileges can view/manage student exams for individual students. To view a student's exams, follow these steps.


1. Log in as the account owner or as a teacher with student management privileges. Click on the "Start Menu" and select "Students."


Step 1 - Log-in to the teacher admin and click on the start menu. Select students.



2. Click on the student you wish to view and then click on "Exams."


Step 2 - Select a student and then click on the exams icon.



3. To the right, you will see either a list of exams that the student is already enrolled in or a message saying he/she is not enrolled in an exam yet. Click on "Enroll in Exam," as shown. 


Step 3 - Click on enroll in exams.



4. A list of available exams will appear. Click on "Enroll" next to the exams you wish to assign to the student. At this time, you can choose to send new enrollment information to the student by email.


Step 4 - Click on "Enroll" next to the exams you wish to assign to the student.



5. Click on the save changes button at the bottom.


Step 5 - Click on the save changes button at the bottom.



6. Once a student has taken an exam, you will be able to view if they passed or failed the test, and how many times they have taken it. If you click on the column near the right arrow, you will see additional details.


Step 6 - Click on the column to see additional details.



8. To the right, you can view when the student took the exam, their score, and how long it took them to finish. Below, you have the option of deleting their exam history or unenrolling them from the exam.


Step 8 - Click on the score to view their graded exam.



9. When a score is clicked, you can view their graded exam.


Step 9 - Viewing a graded exam.